How safe are our offices? | Office design Cambridge and London
The Workspace Consultants

How safe are our offices?

As the latest easing of lockdown measures comes into force, are we potentially risking our lives by returning to the office? Recent research carried out by the TUC among 2,100 safety reps has found that nearly half of employers surveyed were either yet to carry out a Covid risk assessment or were operating under measures that were insufficient to prevent the spread of the virus and its variants.

Individual classroom style chairs

2m diameter vinyl discs on the floor

With such a lack of preparation and preparedness comes the risk of possible strike action by employees who feel that their safety is not being taken seriously. The DVLA in Swansea, for example, has seen around 600 of its staff test positive for the virus, and there is now concern over the organisation’s readiness for the safe return to its offices.

The survey also revealed that around 50% of the reps questioned felt that social distancing was either not enforced at all or at best intermittently, while one third reported a lack of adequate PPE where it was required. In addition, three quarters of respondents had responded to Covid outbreaks, 60% of which were significant. Alarmingly, even though 4,500 coronavirus outbreaks had been reported, not a single employer had been prosecuted for Covid breaches.

Shops, leisure centres and outdoor attractions, along with other non-essential businesses, are on schedule to open up in April. There is, however, concern within the medical community that even if 90% of the UK population who are in priority groups receive their vaccinations, as many as one million people may still be vulnerable to the disease.


For Carol Chinn, Design Partner at The Workspace Consultants, the findings make significant reading. ‘Here at Workspace we have been monitoring the spread of the pandemic and the impact that it is having on office design,’ says Carol. ‘There is a great opportunity to embrace what is becoming the New Normal and to re-evaluate the way we use office space. In the short term we need to make sure we are safe in our offices and to ensure that Covid compliance is maintained. Whether it’s restricting access to a number of desks or implementing a system of controlled access, businesses need smart planning to keep safe and support their emerging agile workforce. Sanitising stations, social distancing, and increased ventilation can help control the spread of the virus in our workplaces, but the New Normal is already emerging and it is redefining our offices to support a more agile, smart way of working.’

Get in touch

The Workspace Consultants specialise in office design and project management in Cambridge and London, so why not contact us to discuss how we can help you achieved Covid compliancy for your returning staff? You can call us on 01223 656111 or email


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