Costello Medical - Projects | The Workspace Consultants

Project Details


  • Design
  • Project Management
  • Furniture
  • Client
    Costello Medical
  • Date
    October 2019
  • Info
    15,200 sq ft of Office Space in Cambridge

After tendering the Design and PM for their Cambridge relocation, Costello Medical engaged us to provide a full Stage 3 D&B design with tender and project management services. The design needed to take account of staged occupation with part of the space being sublet for the first 3 years and careful budgeting was required at all stages.

Specification was carefully managed to control the overall spend with more creativity and budget allocated for a central, client facing breakout/touchdown space with collaboration & contemplation areas including new furniture and feature ceilings. Office areas made use of many existing items of furniture, topping up where necessary.

We later took on Costello Medical's office space relocation in their Manchester office which you can read about here.

The Workspace Consultants have helped us to create a company HQ that we are all truly proud of. The office reflects the practical needs of our hardworking employees whilst also encompassing design flair, particularly the breakout/touchdown space, which continues to be enjoyed by everyone who uses it.

Sophie Costello - Director & CEO

From project conception to practical completion, working with Carol, Gary and the rest of the team at TWC on what was Costello Medical’s most significant project of this type was an absolute pleasure. As Facilities Manager of such a fantastic workplace I am proud to come into work every day, and I am sure that my colleagues feel the same.

Paul Homent - Facilites Manager

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  • Unit 1, Avenue Business Park
    Brockley Road
    Cambridge, CB23 4EY
  • Telephone 01223 656111



  • 1 Giltspur Street
    London, EC1A 9DD